Events 2025

  • March 29

    First C&F Meet The Chapter 2025

  • April 13

    Robber & Runways
    (Member event*)
    Ride Leader: John M.

  • May 11

    Fake News
    (Member event*)
    Ride Leader: Jonathan

  • June 8

    To the Manor born
    (Member event*)
    Ride Leader: Colin

  • June 20

    HOGS Leg - Pre-Book Only
    This is a day trip and will be on a Friday
    Details TBA
    (Closed event*)
    Ride Leader: Andrew

  • June 20-22

    Battlefields, Nr. France - Pre-Book Only
    Details TBA
    (Closed event*)
    Ride Leader: John M.

  • July 3-6

    Lobster Run
    Details TBA
    (Closed event*)
    Ride Leader: Paul

  • July 13

    Rank has its privileges
    (Member event*)
    Ride Leader: Chris

  • August 17

    Sunday Ride
    (Member event*)
    Ride Leader: Paul

  • September 14

    Seagulls and Chips
    (Member event*)
    Ride Leader: Ray

  • October 12

    Sunday Ride
    (Member event*)
    Ride Leader: Andy

  • November 9

    Remembrance Ride
    (Member event*)
    Ride Leader: Fred

  • December 7

    Chapter Christmas Breakfast

  • ––––––––––––––––––––––

    *Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G. chapter members. There are three categories of activities, all activities are identified as follows:

    Closed events are those chapter events, which are open to chapter members and one guest per member.

    Member events are events that are open only to H.O.G. members.

    Open events are those chapter events, which are open to chapter members, international H.O.G. members and other guests as desired.

    If you are interested in becoming a H.O.G.® chapter member, contact us here.

    †Registering interest in an event does not guarantee participation.


  • The history of Chelsea & Fulham H.O.G.’s Sponsoring Dealership

  • C&F H.O.G. History

    A brief history of C&F H.O.G. Chapter 9085

  • DVLA Dating Letters

    Approved by DVLA Chelsea & Fulham H.O.G. are able to issue an Age Certificate. Click here for details.

  • Chapter Shop

    Check out the London H.O.G. Chapters Collection for all your Chapter’s patches, pins & vests.


Welcome to Chelsea & Fulham H.O.G.

Next event:
First C&F Meet The Chapter 2025 - Saturday 29 March 2025

Details to follow.

Next ride:
Robber & Runways - Sunday 13 April 2025

Details to follow.

John Moran - C&F Road Captain

Chapter Shop

Check out the London H.O.G. Chapters Collection for all your Chapter’s patches, pins & vests.

FREE C&F H.O.G. Chapter membership card

Apply for your FREE Chapter membership card today.
A C&F or Meridian Chapter membership card will be required to participate in ALL Chapter events.


If you’d like to join the Chelsea & Fulham Riders Facebook group click here and ask to join.

Please note: The Chelsea & Fulham Riders Facebook group is a closed Facebook group so if you are not connected to Chelsea & Fulham H.O.G. in any way - please don’t ask to join. Only those who consider C&F to be their primary H.O.G. group and hold a C&F H.O.G. Chapter membership card will be accepted into C&F Riders.

Catch up on the latest C&F H.O.G. articles

A sweep to March, Remembrance Ride, Bell End, The Vicar of Dibley, & The Two Georges,

Precious Metal Rockers© - Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum

Got your Rider patch? You’re now ready to start working towards your exclusive Precious Metal Rockers©. These don’t come easy but they show your commitment to the C&F Chapter and are the ultimate membership symbol.

H.O.G. UK Membership

Chelsea & Fulham Harley Owners Group Chapter is an open membership Group with no obligations, dues or responsibilities for the members. Any Harley-Davidson Motorcycle owner, with valid H.O.G. UK membership, can buy a Chelsea & Fulham H.O.G. patch and hey presto you’re a Chapter member. That’s always been our style and we plan to keep this laid-back, informal approach.

We do insist of course that you are a fully paid up member of H.O.G. When you attend our events bring your H.O.G. card with you because we’ll be asking for your membership number quite a lot, for example before a ride out or when enrolling on one of our trips.

H.O.G. membership comes with a myriad of benefits, not least the ability for you to enjoy the company of like minded Harley enthusiasts in an organised, safe and insured membership structure. For further details and to enrol, please use the online H.O.G. application.

Sponsoring Dealer - Warr’s Harley-Davidson®

Your Chapter is proudly sponsored by Europe's oldest Harley-Davidson dealers, Warr’s, established in 1924.

Unlike most Sponsoring Dealers, Warr’s go way beyond the norm and continue to support your Chapter by providing funds, facilities, hospitality, refreshments, exclusive Chapter offers and most importantly a heartfelt welcome in store and on the road.

They ride with us.
Their continued support enables us to retain our unique FREE Chapter membership and offer the best rides & events this side of the Rockies!

Therefore, we think it's only right that our Sponsoring Dealer deserves Chapter member loyalty in return and we expect all members to make Warr’s dealerships their first choice for all their Harley-Davidson requirements.

Ride with Pride!
Be sure to wear your H.O.G. patch and Chapter rocker on all official rides.