A sweep to March
12th May 2024

Well, what have the Roman’s ever done for us?
Remembering the famous Monty Python sketch... quite a lot, actually. Apart from the obvious, the aqueduct, sanitation, farming irrigation, human medicine, education, wine, public baths etc. etc. The Romans, a people known for their sophistication, their military prowess, political ideology, & social institutions, conquered vast amounts of land in Europe. They invaded Britain in AD 43 & proceeded to build some very efficient but, from a motorcyclist’s perspective, some horribly straight roads.
Don’t worry, A sweep to March is not a celebration of the efficiency of straight Roman roads. Phew! Simply a Chelsea & Fulham H.O.G. motorcycle ride that will explore decidedly non-Roman sweeping A roads of Surrey & West Sussex to Lord March’s Goodwood motor racing circuit.
A handful of C&F H.O.G. riders were super early arriving at Ryka’s (Box hill) with smiles, high spirits & immediate banter. After the obligatory pre-ride briefing, introducing the RCs with their Roman names for the day, we made ready.
Leadus Confusius (Jonathan)
Cornerus Quickius (Rob)
Maximus Leanus (Nigel)
Velocatus Gonius (DOF)
Tannius Tannius (Ray)
Grindus Footboardius (Andy)
No Footboardius (John)
& Steve! (Last man)!
Route: Not having to exit Londinium, the ride immediately revealed sweeping A roads & the promise of more A roads that lay ahead. John & his team warmly welcomed us at the The Mulberry Inn (Chiddingfold) for tea, coffee.
Refreshed, we then vacated the then Harley Davidson packed car park, onwards to Goodwood. One the way, we continued our Southerly assault by literally invading the planned petrol stop (those wishing to brim their respective tanks). Despite the ensuing chaos, our arrival was met with smiles & waves. I think it was the fact that the sun had been kind to us & all were out enjoying the good weather.
Final destination: “Thou shall not pass!”
Having finally persuaded Goodwood security that we had a previous arrangement & no, we would not need to each pay £20.00 each for entry (he finally spoke to the Goodwood event organizer on his radio) we finally arrived at Goodwood race circuit.

With the hustle & bustle of a Goodwood breakfast event ending we burbled under the track to the infield. Those wanting to grab an informal ‘lite bite’ went to the aerodrome café to watch light aircraft.
Those that had prebooked Sunday lunch travelled from the circuit (5 mins) to a great reception (Gemma, Cate & team) at Farmer, Butcher, Chef for a lingering Sunday lunch. Farmer, Butcher, Chef, Part of the Goodwood estate, farmed for over 300 years, showcasing ingredients in terms of flavour, quality & provenance.
We came, we saw, we didn’t conquer (slightly invaded a petrol station temporarily) but had lunch instead!
- Special thanks to John Warr & Warr’s Harley-Davidson.
- Thanks to Ryka’s for the reserved parking.
- Thanks to the C&F H.O.G RCs for their professional support, both on the Recce & also on the day itself: Ray Campbell; Andy Eborn; Nigel Gaskin; David (DOF) O’Flaherty; John Moran; Rob Warr & last (literally) but not least, Steve Graham, (unusually at last man & not our normal roving photographer).
- Thanks to all C&F for playing your part so well, marking all junctions so clearly, for your fellow riders.
- Thank you, C&F (& Meridian) H.O.G for working together to make this ride such a memorable, successful day.
- I am proud to call myself a C&F H.O.G member.
Looking forward to the next UK C&F H.O.G ride, Brighton Burnup (Sunday, 23 Jun 2024). Ride Leader: Steve Graham
Don’t forget, those with tickets, the pre-premiere Senigallia, Italy event at Warr’s Harley-Davidson, 611 Kings Road, 12:00 Noon Saturday 25 May 2024.
Jonathan Gooch - C&F Road Captain
Sponsoring Dealer - Warr’s Harley-Davidson®
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