Dating Letters
Approved by the DVLA Chelsea & Fulham H.O.G are able to issue an Age Certificate in the form of a letter confirming the period of manufacture of any Harley-Davidson vehicle for use by an owner to prove ‘Historic Vehicle Classification’ or to obtain an ‘Age Related’ registration mark in the U.K. The letter will then be passed, by the owner, to the DVLA for processing.
We are also part of the DVLA V765 scheme for reclaiming the registration mark of a vehicle that is not recorded on their systems.
For Harley-Davidsons manufactured after 1989 we can supply ‘Statement of Configuration’ certificates or ‘European Certificates of Conformity’ (CoC) where applicable.
To obtain a letter the owner MUST supply the following items;
1. A written request confirming the engine and chassis number (VIN) of the vehicle concerned (may be emailed).
2. Recent photographs of the complete vehicle clearly showing the VIN number in situ stamped onto the frame and engine (pre 1970 engine number only).
3. Applicants name and address, contact number and email address.
4. DVLA Approved Club Dating Letter for H-D’s post 1970 – £100. Pre-1970 – £150.
Manufacturer Certificate of Conformity for International spec H-D’s being imported into the UK (machines only up to 10 years old) – £150.
Manufacturer Statement of Configuration for US spec bikes up to 25 years old – £180.
Insurance Valuation Letter confirming model and date of build for machines 25 years or older – £250.
All prices are subject to VAT.
Please note: We can only accept Dating Letter applications by email.
A further fee may be necessary if a physical inspection is required and or further archive research is needed.
All Dating service fees are non refundable.