Brighton ‘Rocks’
15th July 2018

The Team wandered out onto the pitch early & started to warm up ready for the big game. The condition of the pitch looked perfect & anticipation was in the air.
Turnstiles were promptly closed at 09:30.
Match fit & dressed in the recognisable & iconic home strip, Team C&F HOG congregated to receive their pre-match briefing:
How to ride motorcycles
(From a 1962 (non-Harley) Instruction Manual. Translated by the (non-Harley) manufacturer for the American motorcycle rider)
1. At the rise of the hand by Policeman, stop rapidly. Do not pass him by or otherwise disrespect him.
2. When passenger of the foot, hooves in sight, tootel the horn trumpet melodiously at first. If he still obstacles your passage, tootel him again with vigor and express by word of mouth, warning, Hi, Hi.
3. Beware of the wandering horse that he shall not take fright as you pass him. Do not explode the exhaust box at him. Go smoothingly by.
4. Give big space to the festive dog that makes sport in roadway. Avoid entanglement of dog with wheel spokes.
5. Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there lurks the skid demon. Press the brake foot as you roll around the corners, and save the collapse and tie up.
As the whistle blew, right from the start, good marking skills were exhibited by the forwards as we slowly made our way through Putney high street towards the A3 gaining ground & onwards to The Onslow Arms (West Clandon). The 68 (Bike) staggered formation, a bold, but formidable choice.
Half time oranges were distributed at the Onslow Arms (water & coffee) & also the occasional ice cream (Cuckfield comfort break & fuel stop) as the match progressed.
There was a half-time substitute of Sweeper (Last Man). Thank you to Michael Howers for taking us safely as far as Cuckfield & for Ray to expertly continuing onto our final destination.
The Custom Cafe at Bexhill, provided post-match hospitality.
Post-match analysis:
Overall, a positive result with a solid C&F Team performance, good fitness was exhibited (given the heat) with those that attended the pre-match Prague training camp paying dividends.
Person of the match - Ray for demonstrating flexibility by playing out of position from midfield (RC) to sweeper (last man) at half time.
New Team members showed promise with a long-playing career ahead of them.
You will be pleased to hear that all have been re-selected again to play in the next match, no team changes, no-one going out on penalties (fixed fine or 12 points), no early bath & no-one relegated to the bench.
I think that there was another football game taking place at the same time. I hope the winning team had as much a result as we did.
At the end of the Day, as we headed off from the Custom Café, C&F HOG was coming home (well, back to London).
Many thanks to John Warr, and all C&F HOG Road Captains for your insights on the previous (Pre-Prague) Recce (Ray Campbell & Steve Graham). Thanks to Les for opening up the Stadium early & for those expert RCs on the day (Mick Newstead, Nick Deal, Michael Howers, Steve Graham & Ray Campbell). Thanks to all C&F HOG for exhibiting a tight playing formation, good control & marking skills. Result.
Don’t forget, the next C&F HOG ride is: Wide Horizon, Sunday 12 August 2018, Ride Leader: Paul Wiggins.
Jonathan Gooch - C&F Road Captain
Photographs courtesy of Steve Graham