Final Countdown
14th October 2018
Final Countdown - what was that all about then? Well, as I explained in the ride brief it could be the countdown to Brexit, it could be the 80s hit by Swedish rock band Europe or it could have meant the nearing of the end of the C&F riding season...
Anyway, with a few days to go the weather forecast appeared erm, gloomy and forecasting is pretty good these days so it was in fact pretty gloomy - actually, it was very gloomy and very wet!
So it was that on the morning as I turned up expecting just a few hardy souls to have braved the downpour, in the end there was 20 of us including one pillion. That’s ok, should make for a manageable group in the wet. The ride brief established that all knew the route out through Putney onto the A3 so no drop-offs used for that portion then on to our late breakfast or brunch whatever you wish to call it. Billys on the Road in Billingshurst was the destination some 50 miles away and we arrived on time after a very wet ride.
Everyone appeared in good humour though and we had our welcome food on a large table with a glass top with a model railway inside! We were seen to quite promptly and back on the road within the hour - we did a quick group shot first and then off to fill up the Sportsters which took a matter of minutes less than a mile away.
Ride part two was promised as the better ride and indeed it was but so was the weather where we only received light rain on and off for the next 61 miles.
Some good forward marking by Steve Graham and Ray Campbell saw us depart the A264 past Five Oaks towards Itchingfield, then Barns Green, Coolham, Thakeham, Storrington, Bury Hill, Fittleworth, Cowdray Park, Fernhurst, Hindhead, the tunnel (with the sound of Harley thunder), Milford, Elstead and finally Seale before arriving at the final destination which was the services on the Hogs Back A31 just outside Farnham with direct access back to London only moments away. Most stayed around for a cuppa and a chat.
Anyway, the assembled did good! Yes, we did actually have a very good part two as there was hardly any traffic out and the roads were mostly flowing if a little damp under the rubber. My thanks to all those who took part including the other RC marshals, DoF with Les shepherding as last man, the ladies who came along with smiles, Hoggie, riding on his day off from riding and a mention of Dietmar, along for his second ride in a row after years away from the group rides on his new but old 1996 Evo.
Next up, Remembrance.
Nick Deal - C&F Safety Officer