The Kings Quay
12th May 2019
Surely there can be few better feelings than getting on a Harley Davidson early on a Sunday morning with blue-sky above and a ride to the coast with friends to look forward to? Well, it looks as if many of us would agree and so the bikes roll in 1 by 1, looking and sounding great until all 65 of us have signed in.
Ride brief done and we’re set to go (albeit minus 1 rider who turned up late, missing the start of the ride brief and so wasn’t allowed to join us), heading out of London on that wonderful, winding county lane known as the A3 before getting to enjoy the nicer roads.
38 miles later and a quick fuel stop in Cranleigh we remount for our short ride to the delightful Sun Inn pub in Dunsfold, where Von and her great team welcome us with teas, coffees and delicious homemade sausage rolls. The sun is still shining, some new members are enjoying their first ride out with the C&F and one of them has a drone hovering above capturing great footage, it’s all going to plan... or is it? I’m informed by my fellow Road Captains one of our members decided to abandon his drop-off point just before turning left on to the Mickleham Bends near Box Hill. Fortunately, this was spotted by our Safety Officer, Nick, who jumped in and marked the junction. Frustratingly, it would appear that there are a small number of members who cannot take on board how important it is that when dropped off you do not move until the Last Man arrives. My message to these individuals is that you’re unsure of how to mark a junction correctly please speak to any of the Road Captains and we’ll happily talk it through with you. If, for whatever reason, a member abandons a drop-off on future rides they can expect a conversation to take place as to whether they should be joining rides with C&F, it really is that important. Rant over!
Whilst nibbling my second sausage roll (sod the diet!) I then learn that 4 of our riders were seen heading off in to the distance on the A3 never to be seen again and one other rider turned off a junction early. Now in the defence of the latter he did re-join us at the coffee stop and he’s a really nice chap, so I’ll not name and shame him; suffice to say his initials are that of one of my favourite confectionary snacks’ (did I mention I like M&M’s?) and he’s well known within our Chapter for his excellent video footage taken onboard his grey Sportster. However, it would be impolite to reveal his name, so my lips are sealed!

Bikes and bodies now refuelled we fire up the V-twins to set off again; well that was the plan anyway. Steve Graham, our Chapter Secretary, V-Rod has decided it likes it at the Sun Inn and so doesn’t want to leave. Despite the best endeavours of several Road Captain’s and members trying to get Steve back on the road we have to move on without him. Now, in case any of you are thinking he’s still in the pub sipping his favourite blush-rosé, I am pleased to report that Harley Davidson Road Side Assist were quick to get rider and bike to Warr’s and he’s back on the road again on his trusted steed.
So, off we set through the South Downs National Park towards the coast, arriving at Bosham Quay just under 50 miles later, where several of us enjoyed a splendid lunch at the Anchor Bleu pub. From what I can gather the route went down well and we certainly struck lucky with the weather on the day, and so I do hope that everyone enjoyed the day.
Ray Campbell - C&F Road Captain