11th Harley-Davidson Euro Festival
Event Now Full
Golfe de St. Tropez, France. 12-13 May 2017
Chelsea & Fulham and Meridian H.O.G. will be holding its 2017 premier event in St. Tropez.
Ride south to St. Tropez for the 11th Harley-Davidson Euro Festival and join in Chelsea & Fulham and Meridian’s events. There’s a get-together on Friday, Chapter ride out on Saturday morning and the Chapters exclusive party Saturday afternoon (includes food and welcome drinks). Ticket holders will also receive a unique souvenir Chapter t-shirt and event rocker.
Pre-entries for this popular happening are high and numbers limited so book early. Details of final times and meeting points will be released, to ticket holders only, closer to the event.
Download* the booking form, complete the fields, print out and return wth payment in full to:
Chelsea & Fulham and Meridian H.O.G. Chapters Premier Event
c/o Warr’s Harley-Davidson
611 King’s Rd
London SW6 2EL.
*(Right-click (control-click on a Mac) the link and choose ’Save Link As...’ to save the document to your computer)
Buddy List
Looking for company to share your adventure to St. Tropez, France? Just add your details to a Buddy List in the Warr’s showrooms to make contact with potential ride companions.
Top tips: establish accommodation expectations, ride styles and daily distances you’d like to achieve before you head off with your new ride buddy(s).
John Warr - C&F Chapter Director
For further details of H.O.G. events visit the H.O.G. events page