Wings Day
11th September 2022 25th September 2022
Wings Day was originally planned to take place on the 11th September but out of respect to the Sovereign, following her passing on the 8th September 2022, it was felt re-scheduling the ride was the correct thing to do.
The recce ride had been completed the week before and following problems with the satnav routing, a new route was finalised. My thanks to Road Captains Andy Eborn, Fred Woolcott, Ray Campbell and Safety Officer Nick Deal for joining me on the recce, they’ll do almost anything for a free bacon butty and cup of tea.

Three weeks later and Wings Day Sunday has rolled around. Up good and early, checked the weather and all is looking good for the chapter ride. I make my way to 611KR making sure I’ve re-fuelled at the King’s Road Garage which is 6p a litre cheaper than petrol on the A40. Arriving at Warr’s Harley-Davidson, I’m greeted by Andy Eborn and Johnners pointing at their watches, even though it’s before 8:45am, life can be hard as a Road Captain. A steady stream of people are signing in and the poor laptop can’t keep up so numbers and names need to input manually, all ends well and 35 members are signed in for the ride. The ride brief starts at 9:30am for some reason those at the front couldn’t hear a word I was saying, thanks to Ray Campbell for stepping up (Again) to deliver the ride brief. As the brief finished a lone bike rolled up to the gates and I was put in the unfortunate position of having to turn away a member from the ride. We try to make the brief as light hearted as we can but H.O.G. do require all members attend the brief prior to a ride.
We used the A3 via Putney a time honoured route out of town and headed west, joining the A243 we pass Chessington and make our way to the coffee stop at Rykas Café. Following a leisurely stop we headed further south passing through Mid Holmwood, Parkgate, Newdigate and Rusper where we passed the Star pub with the collection of carts and Shirehorses outside, continuing we headed northeast via Charlwood, Hookwood, Sidlow, Whitebushes and finally our destination Redhill Aerodrome and The Pilot’s Hub café. While getting ready to take the group photo I started to hear of the problems encountered during the ride with two unplanned changes of direction where a rider followed someone who wasn’t part of our group, the very reason we encourage all members to wear a chapter rocker on their back. Ray Campbell as last man was able to get everybody heading in the same direction again so we all arrived at Redhill together as a group. Well almost all, one person that I dropped off as a marker didn’t notice Ray in his Hi-Vis vest riding past trying to sweep him up, using his satnav he was able to join us later in the afternoon.
A big thank you to the Road Captains for your help in the preparation and execution of the Wings Day ride and of course an equally big thank you to the members who came on the ride, along with three new members who tried a chapter ride for the first time. I trust you all had a good time and will consider joining the chapter for our visit to the original London, HARD ROCK CAFE on the 6th October leaving Warr’s 611KR at 6:45pm prompt.
Looking forward to the next C&F H.O.G. ride, Autumn Folly (Sunday, 16th October) with Safety Office: Nick Deal.
Steve Graham - C&F Secretary, Road Captain & Photographer