Costa Climping
15th June 2008
The Costa Climping ride took place on Father’s Day and at the same time as the petrol strike but still 43 bikes, many with pillions, were champing at the bit to get going as the sun was beaming down and the sea beckoning. Having said that, everyone was adamant that they would not leave until they had heard one of C&F’s famous pre-ride rousing speeches given by the ride organiser. As usual mine was voted the best of the year due to the passion put into it coupled with the font of wisdom which ensured that everyone actually managed to get to Climping and got there safely. The first part of the ride was slower than usual due to one of the most welcome newcomers taking literally the rule that we don’t overtake. At the comfort stop, a second rousing speech was given where it was explained that the rule only meant that we did not overtake each other and that yes you can overtake bicycles. The second half of the ride was a lot quicker and took us around Arundle Castle and the beautiful Ford Open Prison before arriving at Costa Climping beach for the team photo.

After that, it was 400 yards back down the road to the Black Horse pub for lunch. The staff there were expecting us and made us most welcome. The food was great and plentiful and the heavens opened up during the main course and the sun came back out during desert. Again, brilliantly organised. The owner of the pub, Mike, phoned me the next day to say that he had received great feedback from his regulars who all loved seeing the bikes lined up and a large bunch of hairy arsed bikers (some of which were men) enjoying themselves. He would love to see us back there again. That being the case and due to the fact that this ride, which caters for all level of riders and is always well attended, it is a distinct possibility that we may go for a jolly up there next year.
I would like to say a big thank you to Andrew Papas and Les Channing for their assistance in making this yet again the best ride of the year.
Terry Ferguson - C&F Road Captain