‘Meet the Chapter’
6th March 2008
Harley-Davidson’s new models improve year on year, and the activities of one of England’s oldest H.O.G. Chapters seem set fair to follow suit.
On the evening of Thursday 6th March many faces old and new gathered at Warr’s of Chelsea to mingle and plan for the new year’s riding season, and what a good one it is looking to be! Safety Officer Peter ‘Scottie’ Scott and each of the C&F Road Captains described their rides for 2008 to eager listeners, so that Chapter Members could start to plan and prioritise which ones took their fancy. Some (e.g. Waterloo for booking tunnel crossings) need some early action, others (such as the one-day rides) can wait to see what the weather looks like on the morning.
See the C&F events list for more in-depth information. E-mail the Chapter via the Contact page if you need anything explaining. We want to see as many of you as possible this year, and what a huge variety of rides there is to choose from, with foreign trips aplenty and Sunday ride-outs to many locations in the South-East. Chapter social nights at The Tup will remain the first Thursday of each month.
With your safety in mind, we will be adding an extra road captain to each ride this year to act as a ‘sweeper’. The aptly named ‘third-man’ will support the last man in dealing with any of the slings and arrows which outrageous fortune hurls at us. We will also be looking to award more C&F Rider patches, so make sure your H.O.G. membership is current to validate your award.
Finally, don’t forget that our sister Chapter, Meridian H.O.G., is holding their season opener on Thursday 20th March at Warr’s in Mottingham, and the welcome there will be just as warm. See you there from 7.30pm.
Michael Howers - C&F Road Captain