‘Meet the Chapter’
2nd April 2009
Chelsea & Fulham H.O.G. pre-season meeting at Warr’s Kings Road showroom, starting 7.00pm.
The 2009 riding season will soon to be upon us and what better way to start the year than hear about the fantastic trips and events C&F H.O.G. have planned for you and your bike.
Make a date in your diary, 7.00pm April 2nd, for the pre-season meeting in the Warr’s Kings Road showroom. There will be a presentation and the low down on all the ride outs and events, domestic and continental, for the coming year. We’ll also have some details of C&F’s plans for the 3rd Harley-Davidson EuroFestival, St. Tropez, France.
The meeting will be followed by a lager top or two across the road at the TUP, where there’ll undoubtedly be lots of conversation about who’s riding and staying where, as well as useful advice to be picked up if you’re going abroad for the first time on your steed of steel.
If you don’t go, you won’t be in the know.
John Warr - C&F Chapter Director