Chapter Challenge 2015

There will be an announcement at the ‘Meet the Chapter’ night (date TBD) to confirm all the details, but in essence...

  • Road Captain, Oliver Achkar will be managing and encouraging C&F’s participation
  • Oliver will have Chapter Challenge forms printed for the Meet the Chapter and throughout the year
  • All you need to do is complete the highlighted sections of the form at the beginning & end of the year
  • Oliver will collate, check the forms and get Dealer endorsement before sending to H.O.G. UK
  • At the end of the year Oliver will contact each participant for their end of year mileage
  • and... the Chapter member who accumulates the most miles will receive a wonderful prize donated by Warr’s Harley-Davidson.

If you can’t wait until ‘Meet the Chapter’, download a registration form and all the information you need about the Chapter Challenge from H.O.G. Gallery page, but don’t forget to hand your form to Oliver.

John Warr - C&F Chapter Director