Fake News

Fake News

11th May 2025

Ever since hominids began communicating news through hand gestures, cave paintings, primitive speech etc. there has also been the possibility of misiniformation, disinformation, mistruths - Fake News.

Today’s Fake News universe is vast & ephemeral, and to some extent its dimensions are unknowable. They are intentionally based on falsehoods or that intentionally use misleading framing to offer a distorted narrative. With the advent of AI, we are now ushering in a whole new era of deep fakes. Good luck!

Don’t worry, Fake News ride is not fake, Phew! Simply a Chelsea & Fulham H.O.G. motorcycle ride that will explore the sweeping roads of Surrey/West Sussex & Kent - or will it?!

Route: Chelsea & Fulham H.O.G. will be heading west from Ryka’s, Box Hill onto sweeping A roads. The Red Barn - An individual food pre-order will be required by 01 May 2025. Pls. email redbarn@youngs.co.uk or Call: 01342 830820 (to avoid disappointment on the day) Ref: C&F H.O.G. (Filip - Manager). There are limited spaces available so book as soon as possible.

Coffee Stop: A petrolheads dream destination, near Horsham.

Petrol Stop: Fear not - Those wishing to will be able to brim their collective sportster tanks, at the local petrol station (on route to our destination) (approx. 66 miles to the petrol stop).

Destination: 16th century pub. Set in the village of Lingfield - where Surrey kisses Kent. Full of historic charm, character & traditional beauty, from original flagstones to the oak rafters. Food is great too.

Pre-Ride Briefing: Meet at Ryka’s, Surrey, for a briefing at 10:00 am prompt. Chelsea & Fulham H.O.G. policy is “No brief, no ride”, so please arrive before 09:30 am, with a full tank to avoid disappointment.

Jonathan Gooch - C&F Road Captain

Sponsoring Dealer - Warr’s Harley-Davidson®

Your Chapter is proudly sponsored by Europe's oldest Harley-Davidson dealers, Warr’s, established in 1924.

Unlike most Sponsoring Dealers, Warr’s go way beyond the norm and continue to support your Chapter by providing funds, facilities, hospitality, refreshments, exclusive Chapter offers and most importantly a heartfelt welcome in store and on the road.

They ride with us.
Their continued support enables us to retain our unique FREE Chapter membership and offer the best rides & events this side of the Rockies!

Therefore, we think it's only right that our Sponsoring Dealer deserves Chapter member loyalty in return and we expect all members to make Warr’s dealerships their first choice for all their Harley-Davidson requirements.

Ride with Pride!
Be sure to wear your H.O.G. patch and Chapter rocker on all official rides.