17th December 2006
I’d decided that if the weather was dry and the roads salt free I was going to ride my totally original 1946 Knucklehead to the Breakfast meet at Smiths’ of Smithfield. Come Sunday morning and the Gods were smiling on me - I dug out the old Knuck from under its heated blanket and with a few positive strokes on the kick starter and a twist on the Linkert carb she burst into life.
When I say this bike is original I mean it. It still has its original paint and the motor is as 1940’s Milwaukee made it. The first guy who owned it was the Harley dealer in Buffalo NY who had it from new. When ‘Buffalo Bill’ sold his dealership in the early seventies he made sure the old Knuckle went to a good home and sold it to Fred Warr. It’s been in the family ever since. Now thats what you call vehicle history!
Riding alongside the embankment it wasn’t long before I came to Blackfriars bridge and then took a right up Snow Hill and into Smithfield market. The early morning clubbers were starting to drift home as myself and Dyna mounted brother Rob rolled up just as Smiths’ opened up. About 35 C&F and Meridian joined us for bacon and eggs, exchanging good tidings and wishing well. Another fantastic year of riding over - looking forward to an even bigger calendar for 2007.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
John Warr - C&F Chapter Director