Remembrance Day
12th November 2005
I’ve been involved in Chelsea & Fulham H.O.G. since I bought my first Sportster in October 2000; my office had relocated in 1999 from Sydenham which you can drive a car to and Vauxhall, which you can’t. 12 months of using the train every day saw me at Warr’s buying the first of what has turned into a succession of Milwaukee’s finest.
Continuity is extremely important. The makers of our choice of motorcycle understand this all too well. This extends to activities as well as artefacts; things we do together can continue from year to year without a continual search for novelty. Cue the Remembrance Ride, 2005. We went last year on the same weekend, and we will also go in 2006. The reason for going lies outside the Chapter, but is nonetheless still important and relevant. It was gratifying to see such a good turnout, and hugely gratifying to see the tangible response of Chapter members’ generosity in donating over £90 to the Poppy Fund in a whip-round on the day.

Thanks to Peter Scott for leading the run, The Barley Mow for welcoming us for lunch, and to everyone who came, new and old members alike.