Photo Call
12th January 2003

“Floods and ice
Snow and Rain
Lets all Ride
Our Harleys again!”
Lets be honest, it was pretty impressive! Thirty riders turned up to be pictured on Lambeth Bridge with the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben in the background and it was real brass monkey weather. Beautifully sunny but colder than a witch’s... Coldest man on the planet was Road Captain Peter Scott who set off from his Hampshire base at 6.30 slip sliding away with both feet down and didn’t get to King’s Road till 8.40.
John and Rob Warr brought out The Silent Grey Fellow and the US Army 45 for colour and this was backed up with a Fatboy, Road King, Custom V Road and Heritage. While everyone was neatly arranged and shouting Hog as the pro photographer snapped away there was a sudden invasion of Japanese tourists with cameras! A TV company shot some stuff for a documentary on the 100th anniversary and The Telegraph was on hand to write an article on why Baby Boomers were so Harley Crazy.
After a couple of runs across Lambeth Bridge trying to get some sort of close order four abreast, Justin finally had done the best he could with his camera and everyone roared off for brunch at Smiths’ of Smithfield, parked all the bikes out front next to Mark’s classy ’56 Corvette and noshed up. C&F Hog were off to a good start for 2003.
One photo has gone to H.O.G. News UK so keep your eyes peeled for that in an upcoming issue. Others are being prepared for a variety of bike publications.