Ride to Breakfast
11th January 2004

The weather forecast was for rain and sure enough Mother nature dealt her cards. Arriving at King’s Rd in full rain gear on a 2003 Fatboy I had the croissant run to fill first before the group arrived. Returning to the showroom fresh from Tesco’s I was greeted by the bizzare sight of Nick Page riding into the Warr’s Car park on his T-Sport and in a Hawaiian shirt... strange but true.
By 9.30am we had about a dozen riders, regulars and a couple of new faces (welcome to C&F H.O.G.). After the safety briefing we set off slightly later than 10am having had to sort out Dietmar Kohls misfiring front pot. A new spark plug cured it but I think it may be a sympton of a failing HT lead, so if your reading this Dietmar I suggest a new set.
Out of King’s Rd and along the Embankment crossing over the river at Westminster Bridge to avoid the Parliament square lights. Good formation by all and by now 16 strong with Colin Houliston up front. By the time we got to Blackfriars Bridge the group was nicely bunched back up and a few minutes later we pulled up outside Smiths’ of Smithfield. Some familiar faces were there already haven chosen to make the breakfast but not the brief ride. Bill Jones and Carol, Mark Phillips, and better late than never on his trusty 78 FL was Tony Dowden who had originally intended to come on his Servicar but the old girl was complaining of fuel starvation and had to be returned to the garage after the third attempt. Tony, I suggest a carb overhaul on that old Linkert. I’m sure Fred Warr would be only too pleased to bring it back to life!
By about 11.30 most folks had had their breakfast (which by the way is very good and not your average fry up) and were starting to make tracks. Then Andrew Papas showed up on his VROD from Kent - well done! The rain had cleared for a spell and it was quite mild. As I pulled out of the City and headed back along the Embankment Chelsea bound I remembered that this time last year on the same Breakfast run it was sub zero. Global warming certainly seems to be extending the riding season here in the south!
So the first run of 2004 was a success and a great way to keep the H.O.G. fire burning at this time of year. Why not make a New Years resolution to join us on our regular runs? Look out for the monthly C&F runs which generally occur about 10 days after the monthly TUP meeting. Just check the times and dates in the event section on this site or on the C&F noticeboards in Warr’s showrooms and turn up. Remember you’ll need to be on a Harley or Buell and be ready to enjoy some motorcycling fun.
See you there!